Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A new start for my life

Ok, usually teens now a days don't really care bout religion and stuff and I admit it I used to be like that. Whenever my parents take me to the temple, I'll follow along but I'll get grumpy easily. Yup, that was me in the past, kinda hard to believe I was like that. But anyways, the past doesn't mean anything anymore as you can't go back in time and change whatever you did!!! I mean like Hey! There's no time machine and stuff like that. Back to the point, I wrote this post to share my experience when Kechara first came into my life.

It was year 2010, during Chinese New Year, but I'm not sure what date it was. My parents brought me all the way to KL for this buddhist thingy(GSDP) in a huge hall. When I got there, I was like thinking to myself "OMG! It's another prayer thing!!!" I knew it'll take a long time because my mom wanted to stay there for the puja. Back then I din't even know what's a puja. We went around looking at the stuff and the pendants caught my attention thanks to the bling-bling batch of pendants. Later on, my mom enrolled me into MKC classes in KH2, back then the gompa wasn't built yet. I started off during the period of June. I was complaining to my mom alot when I started off, about how I can spend my sundays doing what instead of coming to dharma class, it pretty hard to believe I was like that right? Haha well, I was selfish back then, all I could think was myself, it was how bout me me me me me. Ok, back to the subject, I did not like it at all when I need to go for classes on a Sunday, I mean which teen would wanna do that??? I did not understand why I had to do it while I could have went to some outings with my friends for shopping. And yes, I love the little goodie-goodie stuff, I mean it's an addicton for me.

A little later on, I went and check out His Eminence's blog. I was bored, so I thought to myself, I might as well check what's making my mom doing this to me. I looked up for some videos and started watching. Half way through, I got more interested, as whatever Rinpoche said is true. I started liking the classes and went for pujas. I went for Setrap at first because my mom and dad always attends the Setrap puja. I got my tongue twisted that night! And I had this drawback that makes me wanna go back there and try reciting the tibetan prayers again. To my amazement, I tried applying whatever Teacher Gim Lee taught in class to life. And omg, it works, I won't get angry that often and I got to like going to Kechara more.

One day, my mom asked me to help out at KSA(Kechara Saraswati Arts, since I love art that much. Ok, so I went and gave it a try along with Lai(Lelaina). I went there and did Mala-making on my first day. I liked it, and I wanted to go back there and help out. The next day, it was KSA's opening after moving to sunway-mas that is. I went and help out but went back early even after Miss Pat asked me to stay longer. I am a shy type of girl and I'm always quiet around people I don't really know. After that day, I went on helping day after day because it was fun, and yup it was the year-end holidays at that time. Soon, there was a huge project to be done. It was the Pearl-skirt for Vy(Vajrayogini)!!! Not just huge but it was very important too!!! Miss Pat asked me to help string the pearls and make the bracelets and anklets, man it was like asking kid to do complicated work. I din't know how to bead pearls and stuff back then till Uncle Kien came and thought me how to. Many days past and it was soon to be the deadline! Major rush!!!!!! Bracelets and anklets were done, it was just the skirt and Tule(top), many volunteers came and help out with beading, sewing bags of potpourri and rolling mantras. After many ppl's hardwork, it was complete and TAADAA!!! everybody was happy but nervous of what the Liasons think, heart beeping, fingers crossed, and faces of nervous-y. And the results was.....................PASS!!! woohoo, we were damn happy it as we look at the Fantabulous Vy with her gorgeous outfit on, man it was cheers of happiness.

So my Kechara life started from a grumpy little girl I was, to a happy and more open-up girl who loves to go to Kechara and I'd rather spend my time there compared to school or home. I'm having a fun life with days of laughter to complete it with. My life changed after I came here, have your's???


  1. YES IT HAS!! thanks for sharing your experience Katrina, it's a joy seeing you around Kechara! :D

  2. Feel happy for you and im sure your parents are proud of you too :)
    Keep it up "little Grumpy girl"..oh are now "Little happy gilr" :P


A message to people out there.

Hey ppl, so u've found my blog. It's based on an everyday life basis, so ya, It's just a little thing to tell out bout my life.