Sunday, February 27, 2011

Long gone, but back now, 2011 countdown!

It's been a year I haven't blog. Usually, my blog is a let'er down, as it is not that interesting, but I hope it'll change this year. Well, 2011 started of great. Went over to Estelle's house for a countdown party and had vodka shots. It was my first time having these little nasty things that could burn up your body in like just a minute or two. But we mixed it with a little orange juice to make it taste better, although it was still bitter though. It was countdown, and we din't even knew till Stelle's uncle came up to her aunt's room and wished us. Lai(Lelaina) was in the bathroom pee-ing while me, Stelle and her couz(Amanda) were waiting outside. Out of the blue, Lai jumped out from the toilet and started dancing crazily, as if she was drunk. But she claims that she wasn't! She started flinging her hair and started dancing with a random song she was singing to. Believe me or not, it was NEW YEAR, but she sang "Jinggle Bells"!!! Everybody was like Lai! what the heck were you singing? I mean it's new year already. Haha xD We had fun playing games that night with Stelle's cousins, and man, we were playing catch in a dark room, so it's like very hard to see who is infront of you, and you wouldn't know who are you gonna bang into next. But, c'mon it's New Year, it's a night to enjoy and partay, not grumping the whole time with a fake grin on your face. Haha oh well, I guess every year starts off different, unless your planning to spend it like every other year alone at home.

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Hey ppl, so u've found my blog. It's based on an everyday life basis, so ya, It's just a little thing to tell out bout my life.