Saturday, January 23, 2010

Form 3

Form 3 is AWESOME!!! As u all noe, im in the same class as him, but we're ok wif each other edi... Ok teachers are awesome except for some lyk: Pn.Wan, And Pn. TEH PEK SIANG or wtv her name is, which is not important coz shes an asshole. Homework is managable except for maths becoz "THE" PN.TEH is lyk so retarded, she talks to herself and first she ask us to do sumting and the next day she scold us for doing it, is lyk wth?!?! dunno wats her problem, scolded her wif bad words to vern and she dun even care, so who cares, haha. Next Monday, is lyk injection day!!! and many ppl is so gonna scream lyk hell, im so gonna cry, haha!!! xD But seriously, i will cry wan... but oh well, we juz hav to go trough it as it is life so, it'll juz be pain for awhile... But hmmm... im juz so happy wif a good start for a year lyk tis. But u sms me lyk mad man, sms-ing halfway, i felt so tired becoz of training and fell asleep and made u worry, sending 3 sms-es to make sure im ok, LOL. Laima is having her great time wif uhhhum, haha will she accept if he ask??? dunno??? juz gotta see, wanna see her reaction. and vern, addicted to estelle obviously, haha every 5 mins she'll go " I WANT ESTELLE" , "I NEED ESTELLE" hahahahahaha!!! me and lai say she gila edi and teacher support us, beat it vern majority we win, haha!!! xp

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