Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Do I?

Do I like him? Found out from Claire tht he liked me before, last year! I mean OMG!!! Din't even knew tht! He liked me, but I din't really talked to him, so he thought that I was ignoring him! No!!! I won't do tht, I mean we were in a different class, and how would I know he liked me??? But guess wht? I fell for him early this year, but I forgotten when was it. He is just so nice and his such a sweet guy. But I knew tht he wouldn't like me, so neh! Give up! (I know I sound like a person who likes to give up, but believe me, I don't like getting hurt. I mean who does?!?!?!)

Anyways, quite some time past again, and I found out tht the feeling for him is coming back, but kept it to myself except for some friends. Girls have secrets to share too ya know, especially when it comes to boys, haha! Soon, I suspect tht he likes me too, not to be such a "Perasan" person, but yea, I mean it's obvious and many ppl can tell it too. Okay hang out and talk day-by-day. Suddenly one day, Chee Cheng came and ask me, "Do you like Mr.Nice Guy?" And before I can reply, she told me tht he likes me. BOOOOM!!! I FINALLY BROKE THE CODE!!! HE LIKES ME! Well I was happy and I had to admit it tht I like him too. Things are going on fine, but this time, more texting and chatting is involved. And next wed, the "group" planned an outing and I'm invited, so yea, I should be going, because it's One U! And I haven't been out with a group of friends for quite some time already. Wonder is he going? Oh well, guess I have to find out myself. And for today, I was a Major Blush Day!!! The whole class found out and my cheeks were as red as an apple! And double blush, when Jing Mei asked him questions and talk to him just next to me. Guess, I've got powned twice by myself today :S

P.S: He said I looked beautiful in one casting pic, tht was tagged by Niam, and gosh I blushed like a red apple ;)

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